Local digital marketing for small and micro businesses

Our mission is to help you leverage the internet to drive growth in your business via lead generation, and to do so extremely affordably. If you are an individual or a small team, offering your skilled services in a local geography, we can help drive heavy customer traffic through your doors using a variety of digital marketing tools and methods.

Our business model is to help you earn an extra pizza, and charge you one slice for our services.
We don’t offer website builds, optimization and SEO services. We offer growth for your business which we achieve via website builds, optimization and SEO services. We value your hard earned money. A good looking website doing well on some google searches is worth nothing if it does not result in more business for you. We understand that. Which is why, we’re able to deliver growth.


"You don't need a 5-digit monthly budget to dominate local searches in your market"
The Desiml Promise

Online Lead

We get you leads and referrals to assist in growing your business

We excel at generating online leads for local businesses organically by building efficient digital assets. Entirely exclusive leads, ONLY for you and completely trackable. You pay if you get leads, else you don’t!

Power SEO

We help optimize your digital assets so they start producing results

We optimize and revamp your website to make them into lead-producing machines.

Or we build you one from the ground up. The end objective is always business growth for you

SEO Audits

~3 hours of expert work, manually done, specifically for you. Free

Contact us today. We will do an exhaustive SEO audit and competitor analysis for you. Not an auto-generated report but produced by an expert human, specifically for you. It’ll be yours to keep. No obligations

Why Us

How we do it

We have highly specialized and specific experience

We have spent several years working with local small businesses across North America. We have helped general contractors, pet groomers, mechanics, dentists and a long list of such skilled people whose businesses are 1-25 people strong. We’ve helped in lead generation by dominating local searches and strengthening their online presence to fuel growth at dizzying speeds.

We don’t try to do everything for everyone.
We only work with small businesses that do not have their own digital marketing team or the budget to hire big, fancy, expensive SEO companies that may or may not be able to help

A benefit of such lasered focus is we know EXACTLY what needs to be done to help YOU and your business get to the next level. 

We have technical skills AND a business mindset

Many other service providers will build you a good looking website. We work to build you a good looking website that CONVERTS visitors to customers. We strike a balance between looks and functionality. Keep in mind, a website that makes the visitor call or email you makes you money. A stunning website which only wows a visitor by its aesthetics is worthless.

Many other service providers will advise you on most relevant and popular keywords for your business. We dig deep and find keywords for you that are less competitive and easy to dominate. Again, think business. It is better to capture 30-40% searches of a mid-volume keyword than trying to fight for 1-2% of a high-volume keyword.

The list goes on. Call us to know more ways how Desiml is different. Better.

We work with full transparency and accountability

We want you to NOT waste time in the nitty-gritty of digital marketing. Running your core business by itself is very busy work, we know. Which is why, we operate autonomously and efficiently to keep providing you support and growth from the internet.

However, we want you to understand the value we provide. Too many large companies work like a black box, where your money goes in, you’re not sure what happens with it and you’re unclear on what you get in return. We strive hard to be the opposite of that.

At the beginning of our partnership, we clearly build a baseline for you, show you what your ‘current state’ is. We then share with you our exact step-by-step plan describing how we will together work our way up in the digital world. Then, at a frequency of your choice (bi-weekly, monthly etc) we share progress reports with you over email or video.

Most our customers stop asking for this as the lead generation for their businesses dramatically and that is the best ‘report’ one can hope for.


Case studies

(Coming soon…)

About Us

Who we are

A small business, on a mission to help other small businesses take advantage of "big business-like" digital expertise at low cost

Contact us for a free competitor analysis and SEO audit

We’re not good salespeople. Our sales process is to do free work for you and hand you a customized playbook for your business. As part of our FREE, NO OBLIGATIONS SEO audit and competitor analysis, we layout everything for you. What is lacking in your online footprint and strategy, what is your competition doing well (or not) and how exactly can you improve your digital standing to start generating more business. We will be delighted to help you execute on all that, but you’re free to try doing it yourself or have a talented cousin do it for you etc. We guarantee you, no professional company will deliver our playbook at our quality and cheaper.


Desiml started in 2015 as a web-design and development service. We noticed big web development companies charging exorbitant prices to develop modern websites for their clients and realized there are countless small businesses for whom hiring such services was not feasible. So we started delivering equally cutting-edge websites at a fraction of the cost.

With time, Desiml evolved into becoming local lead generation and SEO experts, as our original web clients fell in love with us and asked us to be their one-stop digital marketing shop. Today, the same story continues. Big companies continue to charge unbelievable fees for their digital services and Desiml continues to deliver similar or better results at fractional cost, all the while using the same sophisticated and cutting-edge tools and methods that the big companies do.

You might be thinking “How do you do that, Desiml? How can you use the same tools, same technology, deliver better results and cost so much less?” And it’s a fair question. Here’s how:

  • There is incredible efficiency in specialization. We work only with small businesses looking to establish a dominating online presence in a local geography. Over the years, we’ve gotten pretty good at it and we know all the means and methods (and some tricks!). We don’t waste time figuring things out and those savings from efficiency are passed on to you
  • We don’t have office rent and other such overhead costs like the big companies do
  • We have a virtually zero marketing budget. More savings passed on to you
  • Pssst… We are also less greedy than the big guys 😉
Contact Us

Contact Us

Reach out to us for a free consult and/or SEO audit